We guarantee all bags featuring SK9 technology. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return your item(s) within 30 days of receipt for a refund. Please note that we do not do exchanges.

It is easier and faster to just return the item to us and place a new order at your convenience. After 30 days, we cannot accept returns for any reason other than defects.

To return an item purchased

Pack and return the item in the original packaging and shipping box, if possible. Include the original packing slip or receipt and your reason for return.

Address package to: SK9 TECHNOLOGY.
Attention: Returns

22520 Avalon Blvd. Carson, CA 90745
Ship via carrier of your choice
(sorry we don’t pay for that ☹ ).

Send your order number and tracking number to: [email protected]

What is the Period of Coverage?

This limited warranty starts on the date of your purchase and lasts as follows:

(1) For any products with an original retail price of $40 or less, six (6) months; and (2) for any products with an original retail price exceeding $40, twelve (12) months (the “Warranty Period”).

The Warranty Period is not extended if we repair or replace a warranted product or re-perform a warranted service. We may change the availability of this limited warranty at our discretion, but any changes will not be retroactive.

This warranty does not cover damages caused by an accident, improper care, negligence, normal wear/tear, or the natural breakdown of colors and materials over an extended time and use. Only original, unaltered and unmodified and workmanship are covered.

Items purchased through other retail locations

We will replace a damaged item as per our warranty policy. All you need to do is contact us directly at [email protected]